By default, you can purchase Explain Everything licenses with a credit card. However, if want to purchase a group plan, you can request other payment methods (purchase order, wire, or check) simply by contacting us.
Pay by credit card
With a credit card, you can purchase all plans with monthly or yearly billing. Credit card details can be managed by group owners through the Payment details page.
- Sign in to Explain Everything.
- Select your desired plan on the Pricing page.
- Enter the number of licenses and choose your billing frequency.
- Select Proceed to Checkout.
- Enter your credit card details.
- If you are purchasing a Pro plan, you can select whether you'd like to be invoiced or not.
- Select Subscribe to confirm your purchase.
Pay by wire or check
Payment options other than a credit card are available only for purchases within the following requirements:
- You're purchasing a group plan. Group plans include Team and School plans as well as multi-seat purchases of Advanced and Solo Teacher.
- You'd like to pay annually.
In which case, you can follow these steps to request your payment method:
- Please fill in the form or send us a message with the plan type and number of licenses you'd like to purchase.
- We'll send you a quote with payment details back.
- Based on the accepted quote or a corresponding Purchase Order (PO), we’ll issue you an invoice.
- Please proceed with the payment based on the invoice sent.