If you'd like to change your account and sign in with different credentials, have a shared account and want the other user to use sign in to their account, or you just do not want someone unauthorized to access your account, you can simply sign out of your account.
- Go to the Main Menu in the upper right corner.
- Select your username.
- Scroll the Profile Page to the bottom and select Sign Out.
- Go to the Main Menu in the upper right corner.
- Select your username.
- Scroll the Profile Page to the bottom and select Sign out.
Note: You should return to the sign-in screen after you sign out. If you signed in with Google and weren’t signed out properly, switch off the Google Drive and YouTube integrations in the app settings (go to Main Menu > Settings > Integrations tab) and ‘kill’ the app.
Note: If you have more than one account and you’d like to sign in with Google to a different account, make sure to switch off the Google Drive and YouTube integrations in the app settings before you sign out (go to Main Menu > Settings > Integrations tab).
- Open Explain Drive in your browser.
- Select your profile picture (or the main menu if you're on mobile).
- Select Sign out.