This message may appear for couple reasons:
- There's an issue with your internet connection.
- Your browser is blocking third-party cookies or you have cross-tracking prevention enabled.
- There's a step you need to complete in your Promethean account.
Here are the steps you can follow to address that.
Check your internet connection
Please make sure to check if your internet connection is active and working properly. If it is, please use the Explain Everything Test Connection Tool. If all services display the OK status, you can add an app to see if the issue appears again.
Allow third-party cookies and disable cross tracking prevention
Promethean Engagement Apps require third-party cookies to work properly. Your browser may be blocking them and causing the message to appear. Open your browser settings and enable third-party cookies and disable cross-site tracking prevention.
For more information on how to do this, please select the browser you're using:
Complete a step in your Promethean account
In case you've tried previous steps and the message still appears, select Go to Promethean on the message to check if there are steps you need to complete with your Promethean account.
Still having problems?
If these steps didn't help and you're still experiencing issues, pleae get in touch with our support team.