Available to: Group Account Admins, Group Account Owners
You can manually enter the emails of people you’d like to invite. People you invite will receive an email with a registration link. This link will take them through the process, and you will be able to see the registration status of the people you invited. If a person you invited already had a Free Account before, they’d be added to your group, and their status will display as Active.
Tip: Before you invite people to your Group, check out what are the roles in Education Groups and Team accounts.
Tip: Looking for other methods of inviting people to your group? Check out Invite users to your group and activate their licenses to learn more.
Enter an email to add it to your group
- In Explain Drive, select your profile picture in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- From the menu, choose Account.
- Scroll down to the User Management section and select Invite users.
- Select if you'd like to invite Teachers or Students.
- Under the Invite by email section, enter the email of the person you’d like to invite. If your organization uses generic emails, you can also enter usernames to help you identify people quicker.
- If you’d like to invite more people, select + Add more to add more rows to the list.
- When you’re done adding emails, select Send Invitations. Everyone from the list will receive an email with a link which they’ll be able to use to join your group.
- Select Done to get back to your Account.
- In Explain Drive, select your profile picture in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- From the menu, choose Account.
- Scroll down to the User Management section and select Invite users.
- Select if you'd like to invite Managers or Members.
- Under the Invite by email section, enter the email of the person you’d like to invite. If your organization uses generic emails, you can also enter usernames to help you identify people quicker.
- If you’d like to invite more people, select + Add more to add more rows to the list.
- When you’re done adding emails, select Send Invitations. Everyone from the list will receive an email with a link which they’ll be able to use to join your group.
- Select Done to get back to your Account.