You can export your project as a PDF file to your device or the cloud, and easily share it with others.
You can also easily print it if you like.
Tip: Looking for other ways to export your project? See the available export options.
Export project as a document
- While in the project, select the Share icon.
- Select Export.
- Select Document.
- Customize your Export Document Options.
- Once you're happy with your settings, select Export.
- Choose your desired export destination.
- If you’d like to print your document, scroll down the list of available Actions and select Print. If you don’t see the Print option, scroll down to the bottom of the list of Actions > select Edit Actions… > choose Print to add it to the list of Actions.
Export Document Options
You can customize the way your file looks once you export it.
Your settings will be saved for the future every time you change them.
Select to change the name of the exported file.
This option lets you control which part of the slide will be exported to the file.
You can select from:
- Fit entire slide – each and every element of your slide will be exported
Tip: Zoom in and out to help you get a better look at what's on your slide.
- Current view – only the elements you see within the frames of your device will be exported. Zoom in and out to select the area you'd like to export
- Camera frame – lets you precisely select which part of the slide gets exported by controlling the camera frame
Page size
Select to choose the desired page size and its orientation.
Note: The listed formats depend on your device's region.
This option lets you choose the margin of the exported file, i.e. the space between the content and the edge of your document on the top, bottom and both sides of the page, depending on your needs and liking.
You can select from:
- None
- Standard
- Wide
Select to choose the quality of the exported file. If you want your document to be sharp and clear so you can zoom in on the tiniest details once you export it, choose the best quality for your file. If it’s not that important to you, you can choose the low quality option and reduce both the size of your file and its export time.
Reset document export settings
Select to bring back the Export Document Options to their defaults.
- While in the project, select the Share icon.
- Select Export.
- Select PDF.
- Choose your desired export destination.
- Select Export.
- Once you export your project to a desired location, you can navigate to it and print it from there if you like.
Note: You won't be able to export a cloud project as a document. In order to do so, download your project first, open it and then follow the instructions.
Note: Currently, the Android version of Explain Everything only allows you to export the contents of all the slides you're working on.
- While in the project, select the Share icon.
- Select Export.
- Select Document.
- On the bottom of the modal window, from the drop-down menu, select Save as PDF.
- Choose your desired export destination.
- Select Save.
- After saving your project to a desired location, you can navigate to it and print it from there if you like.
Note: Currently, the web version of Explain Everything only allows you to export the contents of the slide you're on as a single-page PDF.